December 2019 update

In November, Emma and team at JCF Sussex held their first quiz night which was very successful and a good time was had by all! As a result of the quiz night we were able to send £410.00 to Hessa’s Helpless Hounds who are based in Hertforshire, UK.

December was a very busy month with JCF Mexico holding their annual Cookies & Carols event, followed by a Festival of Trees and then Christmas Music Madness.
Fundación Aitana AC, a children’s cancer unit in Cancun benefited from these events.

In the UK, JCF North Devon held 2 Christmas events including traditional community carol singing and a collection of popular Christmas songs – both events hosted by Tamsin Ball (JCF Patron) and Meg Scoins. Funds raised from these events are being added to the amounts going to North Devon Animal Ambulance and Special Olympics North Devon which will be handed over in May 2020.

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