Join Us

Pay It Forward

Do you have 5 minutes, hours, days, weeks, months a year that you can commit to looking at life with the attitude “what can I give to life” not “what can I get from this life”? Are you semi sociable, have more than one friend who feels the same as you do?

JC Fundraising is a small group / FunRaising Family with members who give as much time as they can for free to help causes and needs that they feel passionate about.

So far JCF resides in North Devon, West Somerset and West Sussex in the UK, besides Mexico and Australia. They are co-ordinated by committed, passionate individuals who want to do whatever they can to give back to the world in whatever small way they can.

Have you thought of joining our family? If you live close to an existing FunRaising Family then please get in touch if you want to know more.

If you are interested in starting a FunRaising Family in your area with some of your friends then we can help you to do this and we have an awesome team of managers who will support you in your FunRaising efforts. Jaden Cornelious is also regularly at hand to help and advise.

All administration and finance for JCF is dealt with at our base in the UK and they will do their best to help and support in any way they can. (* see footnote below)

Different countries work differently when it comes to fundraising, so in some countries you may not be able to raise money but can help in different ways. For example, by collecting dog food for a local shelter, toys for underprivileged kids or handing out blankets for the homeless, there is still so much you can do.

I am blessed and do not take that for granted … I am loved and do not take that for granted … I am healthy and do not take that for granted … I am ALIVE and do not want to waste time.
Jaden Cornelious
JC Fundraising

How You Can Help

You and your team however big or small, picks a charity or recognised good cause (or 2 organisations at the very most) to raise as much money as you can for 11 months of the year during June until April. You can do this by holding events, sponsored events, car boot sales, quiz nights, etc. The bigger your team of friends and helpers the more you can achieve. 100% of the money raised for your nominated good cause goes to the charity (or charities) in question.

In May each year all events are purely for JC Fundraising so we can have a pot of money to cover our very minimal administrative costs and also grants to good causes when needed.

We would also ask that you follow the other JCF groups and help support them by sharing their events and join in on group initiatives.

The most important thing is that you make fundraising FUN-raising and enjoy what you can do to make that change in the world.

You will see the most positive things happen in your own life.

If you require more information please get in touch and we will contact you with the next steps.

We look forward to working with you to help make our small difference in this world.

* NB: Please be aware that fundraising in some countries for a UK based organisation may have to meet certain rules and regulations so you might need to seek advice from the appropriate authorities in your country before raising money for JC Fundraising.  JCF will not be held accountable for unauthorised fundraising.

JCF has public liability insurance which covers volunteers in the UK. Events held in other countries will need to comply with the rules and regulations depending on which country they reside.

Donate buttons for each nominated charity are available on our donate page.

Each cause initiative maybe case specific and any finer details can be discussed either over the phone or via Skype with Jaden and the admin team.